Saturday, November 14, 2009


Normal human interaction between husband and wife:

Wife: "Honey would you mind doing the dishes for me?"

Husband "Not a problem, as soon as the game is over"

Wife "Thank You"

Interaction between myself and Lucifera:

Lucifera: "Do the dishes."

Me: "Sure thing, as soon as the game is over."

Lucifera: "No, do them now."

Me: "There's only 5 minutes left in the fourth quarter."

Lucifera: "Like I care, do them now."

Me: "Can I ask why it matters if they are done now or in five minutes when the game is over, especially since they are all from your baking for your friends and have sat there for a week?"

Lucifera: "You're an asshole."

[five minutes of silence while she pouts and I watch the end of the game, then I start doing the dishes]

Lucifera: "You're not using the dishwasher are you?"

Me: "Of course I am, why wouldn't I?"

Lucifera: "Because it's lazy and it leaves spots on the dishes"

Me: "Well I am not hand washing all these dishes when we have a perfectly good dishwasher, especially when I did not dirty any of them."

Lucifera: "Lazy asshole!"

There you have it folks, do the dishes or don't do the dishes, you're still an asshole in my wofe's book.

P.S. even when I hand wash the dishes, I am told I do that wrong too, more on that later.

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