Thursday, January 6, 2011

A change in perspective

Well, it has been almost a year since my last post. A co-worker asked me why I had given up on my blog the other day and that question kind of hit me. Like most guys when faced with a difficult decision, I simply shrugged my shoulders and said "ehh whatever" and walked away. But that question continued to nag me for the last few days. Is it ADD? Do I get bored that easily? Is it something in me where I simply refuse to finish things? Last night, feeling a little sorry for myself I couldn't sleep and thought on this issue some more. The answer hit me like a ton of bricks...

I've got nothing to complain about anymore. The bitterness is gone.

To explain, in March of last year, I decided to man up and tell Lucifera I was leaving and that we were getting a divorce. I moved out about a week later and filed the divorce complaint shortly thereafter. In what I think was an effort to reel me back in, she agreed to just about all of my terms and signed off on the divorce shortly thereafter, all that need happen was for me to go to court and finalize it all, only I waited. Not because I was upset about the divorce or was having second thoughts mind you, my motives were much more mercenary than that. Her company paid for my health insurance.

So there I was living the single life, free and easy. For about two months... Then enter joy. I was not looking for her, was not expecting her, and to tell the truth, I thought I was simply going on a motorcycle ride. However, June 5, 2010 was a ride that I will never forget. That day, I met* the love of my life, my soul mate, the woman I will spend the rest of my life with. Everything changed that day. My outlook on life has changed, my personality is back to where it was years ago. I was, essentially reborn (in more ways than one we will discuss that more later).

So now, in general, I walk around with a big smile on my face. The change in me is evident to all who know me. I am happy again. So to anyone who enjoyed the blog before, I say, sorry, the bitterness is gone. But do stick around, I think I may still be able to entertain and maybe even inform.

By the way, I think it is important for us to remember our past so, I think the name of the blog, although no longer appropriate in any way, will remain.

* I say met even though we actually knew of each other for about 15 years (since high school) although never really interacted in any fashion.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's been a while

Haven't posted anything in a while, I guess because I have been in a very zen (drunk) place. She has not been pissing me off too much mostly cause she spends a lot of time at her parents.

So then I will bother you with somehting else that is annoying me. Random internet ads.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Follow Up to Recent Posts

So I broke down and let her choose her own gift.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


As I sit here, Lucifera is at her parents' house, I am sure telling them what an evil, heartless bastard she married. This was a big one, the kind of fight dreams are made of. And what was this about? Her fucking Christmas present. Yeah, you read that right, two grown adults fighting over a gift. But here's the deal, we were not fighting over something like her wanting something and I said no or anything like that. This fight was over me not telling her what I was getting her. It went a little something like this:

Lucifera: "So I will give you my Christmas list tomorrow"

Me: "That's alright I already know what I am getting you***"

Lucifera: "Well what is it?"

Me: "You will see on Christmas"

Lucifera: "NO, I want to know now, what if I don't want it?"

Me: "Well, then you can return it.....just like you have all the other gifts I have given you"

After that it was just pretty much like Ali-Frasier. I should have known this from the beginning, control freaks just don't get better. The first Christmas together when we were dating, she gave me a list of about 5 things she wanted and told me specifically that she didn't expect me to get her all of the things on the list. I bought her items three and four along with several other items that I thought she might like. HUGE MISTAKE. It was that night that I was instructed that gift lists are made in order of importance and if you are only getting two things you get numbers 1 and 2. So began a pattern of returning every gift I have given her.

Now, one thing you have to understand, I pride myself on gift giving. To give an example, my sister had a favorite song that I remembered from when I was a little kid. The song was very poignant for a time in her life a few years ago so for her 40th birthday I actually was able to get her handwritten lyrics autographed by the artist. The bottom line is, I put thought into gifts. So when I spend hours at Tiffany & Co. picking out a necklace, earrings or bracelet, I would like to hear a thank you, not "ohhh.......thanks, umm its nice and all, but......."

Whatever, maybe she just wants another helping of my soul.

***while not relevant to this post I was going to get her a new digital camera. She needs a new one because she lost her old one. We went away with some friends and went to a club. Before we went to the club she says, "Should I bring my camera out?" I say, "Probably not, we hardly ever take pictures and we will be drinking, better just leave it here" Well she brought it, took two pictures then set it down on the bar and it walked off in short order. While I know I am not always right.....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Texts from Marriage

First off, if you have not visited you need to, ASAP. While it mostly makes you wonder why your college experience was not so colorful, occasionally it is very poignant.

Today was one such day, here is the post in question:

Little does this annoying fucktard know, he just described marriage. I knew I wasn't the only one out there who got the question wrong even before it was asked. But I do have some advice for Mr. (619) wherever he may be:

SHE WON'T FUCKING CHANGE. If she nags chances are you are going to want to rip your own arm just to have something to throw at her in a few years. Get a fucking helmet moron.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why God? why?

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Who has made the best move in the history of marriage?

No, its not Brad and's Robyn, you know Robyn Gibson? Wife of the Roadwarrior? She filed for divorce and received what could only be described as the ultimate lottery ticket. That has really nothing to do with today's post, I just overheard it in conversation and was shocked to learn that she would ever want to divorce him:

Also, we here at hisbitterness were happy to be the first to get a photo of Mel after seeing Robyn's first settlement demand:

While I did not intend to attack Robyn, I couldn't help but think of the length of the marriage and say, well yeah, they should be done. It's those damn opposable thumbs that caused this mess. I explain: humans are not meant to live as long as we do. Through science, we have really expanded the life expectancy of ourselves to the point where we can no longer stand each other. No wonder people are getting divorced, it's not in our DNA to stay together for longer than a few years.

The first marital laws we have can be traced back to hammurabi's code which was set down around 1760 bc or so. Thus marriage has been around for almost 4,000 years. Now when you do a little research, you will see that during that time period, people lived to be about 30 years old on average. Anyone can do that kind of time with a spouse they can't stand. Hell if I knew the sweet release of death was lurking just around the corner, I wouldn't be so miserable. Now when we are living well into our 70s on average, we are expected to spend all of that time with one person, wholet's just face facts, most of us cannot stand.

Oh well, at least I don't have a billion dollars to lose like Mel.

One last thought in my life I have had the following:

1. Drivers license;
2. Fishing license;
3. Hunting License;
4. License to Purchase a gun;
5. License to practice my profession in this and other states;
6. Marriage License

All but one of them have an expiration date, why is that?